Smithsonian STEAM Readers 1: Making Water Safe
Smithsonian STEAM Readers 1: Making Water Safe
Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this title builds students' literacy skills while fostering curiosity, creativity, and innovation. A hands-on STEAM challenge guides students through each step of the engineering design process and is ideal for makerspace activities. Features include:
▌每本讀本皆涵蓋科學(Science)、科技(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、藝術(Art)及數學(Mathematics)五大元素,訓練閱讀力的同時,更全方面提升 STEAM 知能。
▌STEAM Challenge 活動,以「確認問題→研究與思考→設計與執行→測試與改善→反思與分享」的步驟,訓練問題解決能力。
▌提供單書版及 6-Pack 版。讀本後附重要詞彙表、索引及職涯規畫建議。6-Pack 版提供教師手冊及同品項讀本6入,教師手冊含完整教案、活動準備材料提點、學習單、評量及解答。

↘STEAM Challenge鼓勵學生運用所學知識解決問題。

↘Career Advice提供STEAM領域工作者的職涯規劃建議。