
Wild City

Wild City


作者:Ben Hoare


Take an unforgettable tour around the world to meet the creatures that share our city spaces―from bears to bats, penguins to opossums―and learn about how they have adapted and thrived in this gorgeously illustrated gift book written by award-winning natural history journalist Ben Hoare.
Wild City travels the globe, exploring how animals have adapted to live alongside humans, in busy cities including New York, Rio de Janeiro, Berlin, Stockholm, London, Alexandria, Singapore, and Mumbai. Discover hawks by a world-famous shopping street, snakes slithering through city sewers, and penguins waiting patiently to cross the road. Feature spreads take a closer look at the animals, showing how some wander in plain sight while others hide away in our homes, and we meet wildlife heroes from around the world―ordinary people doing extraordinary things to make our wild neighbors feel welcome.

Lyrical and factual text written by the award-winning Ben Hoare is perfectly complemented by Lucy Rose's stunning illustrations. The beautiful cityscapes are full of detail with something new to discover with every look.

Wild City: Meet the animals who share our city spaces

我們很自然地認為城市是人類居住的地方,然而在家園附近看得見與看不見的地方,也有許多野生動物找到喜歡的空間,與人類共同生活著。跟著作者的撰寫環遊世界, 認識墨西哥市湖裡的六角恐龍、游過大西洋經過倫敦泰晤士河的歐洲鰻鱺、柏林街頭漫步的野豬、從阿根廷移入後成為野生族群的和尚鸚鵡⋯⋯跟著繪者的描繪欣賞與自然共生的城市景觀,比對動物的特徵並發掘畫裡的細節。 除了十七個城鎮的定格一幕,作者也以十個不同的主題補充有趣的知識,讓讀者更了解這些野生動物如何適應都市的環境並找到自己的生存與繁衍方式。

Wild City
