
Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World

Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World


作者:Matthew Reinhart
出版社:Insight Editions



雪公主 睡美人 木蘭 寶嘉 梅莉達 11個迪士尼公主故事  躍然紙上囉

屢將平面繪本、影視,魔手變成立體書的Matthew Reinhart,這次的對象是女生都愛的迪士尼公主!
看高聳的塔樓從紙上蹦出,你想到什麼故事呢?(魔法奇緣。樂佩公主攀著長髮逃出來),樂佩還和費林•雷德(Flynn Rider)乘船在佈滿天燈的夜空下,好浪漫;王子撞見睡美人在森林跳舞,摺頁一翻開,直達天際的噴火龍,對著前來搭救睡美人的王子猛噴火,瞬間腎上腺素飆升,好緊張!當然還有經典灰姑娘的馬車、白雪公主和七矮人跳舞…等共11個公主故事,25個立體場景,邊角的小摺頁讓你再次回味故事!

Starring the timeless characters that have made the Disney Princess films a treasured part of pop culture and animation history, this visually stunning volume is packed with intricately designed pop-ups, transformative scenes, and many other surprises. With state-of-the-art paper engineering and beautifully rendered illustrations, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World brings these castles and characters brilliantly to life, capturing the magical worlds that have enthralled audiences for decades.
This collectible piece of Disney Princess magic spans eleven films and princesses, including fan-favorites such as Belle, Snow White, Ariel, and Rapunzel. Through twenty-seven pop-ups and transformative scenes, the key moments from these beloved films leap from the page, and the accompanying text makes this book a wonderful interactive reading experience that families will treasure.
Join Cinderella as she transforms for the ball, Jasmine as she embarks on a magic carpet ride, Aurora as she pricks her finger on Maleficent’s spinning wheel and is saved by her prince, and Merida as she bravely fights to decide her own destiny.
The ultimate pop-up for collectors, Disney fans, and kids of all ages, Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World is an indispensable celebration of these enduring characters, stories, and fairy tales.

 Age Range: 5 years +

Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World
