
Secrets of the Secret Panda Village (Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie)

Secrets of the Secret Panda Village (Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie)


出版社:Simon Spotlight


Join Po and his biological father Lee Shan on a visit to the secret panda village in this Kung Fu Panda 3 8x8 storybook that comes with an awesome double-sided poster! Kung Fu Panda 3—featuring the vocal talents of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Rebel Wilson, and more—bursts into theaters on January 29, 2016! After meeting his biological father, Li, Po travels to the Panda Village where he was born. When he arrives, he meets Mei Mei, who tells him they’ve been engaged since they were cubs! Everyone in the village loves Po and wants him to stay forever, but for Po, the Jade Palace has always been his home. Could he really leave it behind?

透過這本 8 x 8 英吋的故事書,和阿波以及他的生父李山一起去拜訪神秘的熊貓村吧!本書還附送一張超棒的雙面海報喔!電影《功夫熊貓 3》於 2016 年 1 月 29 日火熱上映,集結傑克‧布萊克、安潔莉娜‧裘莉、瑞貝爾‧威爾森等多位影星為此劇獻聲。在見過生父老李之後,阿波繼續前往他出生的熊貓村,抵達時他遇到了美美,從她口中得知兩人自小就有婚約了!村莊中所有人都喜歡阿波,也希望他能永遠留下來。然而對阿波來說,玉龍宮是他永遠的家。他真的能拋下那裡的一切嗎?

Secrets of the Secret Panda Village (Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie)
