
No Limits: Blow the CAP Off Your Capacity

No Limits: Blow the CAP Off Your Capacity


作者:John C. Maxwell
出版社:Center Street


We often treat the word capacity as if it were a natural law of limitation. Unfortunately, most of us are much more comfortable defining what we perceive as off limits rather than what's really possible. Could it be that many of us have failed to expand our potential because we have allowed what we perceive as capacity to define us? What if our limits are not really our limits? In his newest book, John Maxwell identifies 17 core capacities. Some of these are abilities we all already possess, such as energy, creativity and leadership. Others are aspects of our lives controlled by our choices, like our attitudes, character, and intentionality. Maxwell examines each of these capacities, and provides clear and actionable advice on how you can increase your potential in each. He will guide you on how to identify, grow, and apply your critical capacities. Once you've blown the "cap" off your capacities, you'll find yourself more successful--and fulfilled--in your daily life.

每當我們想到「能力」這個字,很自然會把它和限制劃上等號。很不湊巧,我們似乎比較能定義出我們做不到的事,但卻無法定義出可以做到之事。很多人無法擴展潛能,會不會正是因為他們讓自己所定義的能力限制了自己?你有沒有想過如果我們所認定的極限並非真的極限呢?本書為約翰.麥斯威爾新作,他在書中定義出 17 種核心能力,有些能力是我們與生俱來,如活力、創意和領導力;有些則來自我們生活的層面,由選擇來主導,如態度、個性及意向性。作者仔細檢視這 17 項中的每個能力,並提供讀者清楚可行的建議,幫助你提升每項能力的潛能,透過本書引領讀者發現、培養及應用這些重要的能力,一但突破了自認的能力「限制」,你會發現人生更加成功、美滿。

No Limits: Blow the CAP Off Your Capacity
