
The One Device

The One Device


作者:Brian Merchant
出版社:Little, Brown


Odds are that as you read this, an iPhone is within reach. But before Steve Jobs introduced us to "the one device," as he called it, a cell phone was merely what you used to make calls on the go. How did the iPhone transform our world and turn Apple into the most valuable company ever? Veteran technology journalist Brian Merchant reveals the inside story you won't hear from Cupertino-based on his exclusive interviews with the engineers, inventors, and developers who guided every stage of the iPhone's creation. This deep dive takes you from inside One Infinite Loop to 19th century France to WWII America, from the driest place on earth to a Kenyan pit of toxic e-waste, and even deep inside Shenzhen's notorious "suicide factories." It's a firsthand look at how the cutting-edge tech that makes the world work-touch screens, motion trackers, and even AI-made their way into our pockets. The One Device is a roadmap for design and engineering genius, an anthropology of the modern age, and an unprecedented view into one of the most secretive companies in history. This is the untold account, ten years in the making, of the device that changed everything.

在您翻開本書的同時,伸手可及之處可能就有台 iPhone。在賈伯斯推出獨一無二的 iPhone 以前,手機僅僅是方便撥打電話的工具,沒有人想到它會改變人們的生活型態。iPhone 如何改變整個世界?它又是如何讓蘋果公司成為史上最有價值的企業?資深科技記者 Brian Merchant 來到加州 Cupertino 蘋果公司總部,獨家訪問研發工程師、發明家與開發者,他們參與 iPhone 設計的過程,促成其誕生!本書將帶領讀者深入探訪蘋果總部、十九世紀的法國到二戰時期的美國,從地球上最乾燥之處、肯亞的電子廢棄物坑,甚至深入深圳的血汗工廠。本書同時也站在第一線探討觸控螢幕、動態追蹤,甚至人工智慧如何融入人們的生活。本書紀錄設計與工程的巧思,也見證了現代人類史,更提供獨特觀點,讓我們了解神秘的蘋果公司。本書敘述了一個醞釀十年不為人知的故事,故事將揭示這個改變世界的小裝置所潛藏的秘密。

The One Device
