
Collins Classics: The Life of P.T. Barnum

Collins Classics: The Life of P.T. Barnum


作者:P.T. Barnum
出版社:William Collins
系列名稱:Collins Classics


HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Meet the greatest entertainer of the 19th Century... In 1834, desperate to create a better life for his family, small-time Connecticut businessman P. T. Barnum moved to New York City.

With true entrepreneurial spirit and against all odds, he wowed audiences with his ensemble of musical spectacles, attractions and variety shows - often exploiting the vulnerable for entertainment value.

A master showman, his crowning achievement was the world-famous circus, Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth. In this account of his life and work, written by the man himself and first published in 1855, P. T. Barnum creates an aura of excitement about himself and his enduring fame, confirming his reputation as the greatest impresario of all time and revealing the controversial decisions that helped him to his fortune.

英國出版集團 HarperCollins 十分榮幸將最受好評、絕對經典的作品呈現給大家。本書主角堪稱十九世紀最偉大的娛樂家。西元1834年,一位康乃狄克州名不見經傳的商人P. T. 巴納姆搬到了紐約市,亟欲給家人過上更好的生活。


P. T. 巴納姆身為一位娛樂大師,一生最大的成莫過於那舉世聞名的「巴納姆貝利馬戲團」,號稱擁有「世界上最棒的表演」。P. T. 巴納姆的生平和作品皆由本人撰寫,並於1855年首次出版。P. T. 巴納姆為自己和他歷久不衰的聲望創造一個激勵人心的光環,確立了他身為史上最偉大馬戲團演出者之名,也揭露使他致富的爭議性決定。

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Collins Classics: The Life of P.T. Barnum
