
The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners

The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners


出版社:TESOL Press
系列名稱:ELT Development Series


What Are The 6 Principles?
TESOL International Association has defined a core set of principles for the exemplary teaching of English learners. The 6 Principles are universal guidelines drawn from decades of research in language pedagogy and language acquisition theory. They are targets for teaching excellence and should undergird any program of English language instruction.
The 6 Principles
1. Know ​Your Learners
2. Create ​Conditions for Language Learning
3. Design ​High-​Quality Lessons for ​Language ​Development
4. Adapt ​Lesson ​Delivery as Needed
5. Monitor and ​Assess ​Student ​Language Development
6. Engage and ​Collaborate within a ​Community of ​Practice

You must implement the 6 Principles as a whole. You cannot just know your learners, for example, and then not act on that knowledge when you plan instruction.
The 6 Principles were developed by a ​team of language experts. Grounded in research and with contributions and support from educators around the world, the TESOL Board of Directors, and TESOL Staff, these principles are the result of 2+ years of exploration, inquiry, conversation, and collaboration.
The 6 Principles Writing Team:
● Deborah J. Short, Lead Writer
● Helene Becker
● Nancy Cloud
● Andrea B. Hellman
● Linda New Levine
Why Do We Need The 6 Principles?
● TESOL’s mission is to advance the quality of English language teaching around the world. As the number of English learners soars, a common understanding of second language learning and effective instructional and assessment design is needed.

● In some settings, teachers need more preparation to effectively educate English learners. When TESOL professionals fully implement the 6 Principles, their students participate in high-quality lessons for language development and experience educational success.​

● The 6 Principles provide teachers with the knowledge to make informed decisions to improve instruction and assessment, so curricula and courses for English learners are rigorous, relevant, and designed and delivered with second language acquisition in mind.

● sing the 6 Principles for planning policies, programs, and practices will ensure curricula and courses for English learners are rigorous, relevant, and designed and delivered with second language acquisition in mind.​

● When the 6 principles are well implemented, students will participate in high-quality language lessons and experience educational success.

Who Can Use The 6 Principles?
The 6 Principles are for all educators who interact with English language learners. They are applicable across different educational contexts, such as classrooms with children or adults, dual language learners, emerging bilinguals, and multilingual students.
The 6 Principles will help educators:
● respect, affirm, and promote students’ home languages and cultural knowledge and experiences as resources
● celebrate multilingualism and diversity
● support policies that promote individual language rights and multicultural education
● guide students to be global citizens


TESOL International Association Writing Team
Deborah J. Short
Deborah J. Short, Ph.D. directs Academic Language Research & Training and delivers professional development on academic language, content-based ESL, and sheltered instruction. She co-developed the SIOP Model of sheltered instruction and has led research for the Carnegie Corporation of NY, Rockefeller Foundation, and U.S. Departments of Education and Justice. She served on TESOL’s Board of Directors and led the 6 Principles writing team.
Helene Becker
Helene Becker is the Director of English Learner Education in the Norwalk (Connecticut) Public Schools and has taught ESL to all ages in Connecticut, New York, and Hawaii. She was a Fulbright Scholar in Italy and is the author of Teaching ESL K-12: Views from the Classroom. Her current interests include training all teachers, grades K-12, in best practices for educating English learners.
Nancy Cloud
Nancy Cloud, Ed.D. is Professor Emerita in the Feinstein School of Education and Human Development at Rhode Island College in Providence. Her publications concern the design and delivery of effective instruction for English Learners in both ESL and Dual Language Programs and she regularly presents on these topics to teachers.
Andrea B. Hellman
Andrea B. Hellman, Ed.D. is Assistant Professor of TESOL/Linguistics at Missouri State University, where she directs the iELT-Ozarks Project, a National Professional Development grant. A recipient of the Christopher Brumfit Award, her research focuses on second language vocabulary attainment and the preparation of mainstream teachers for English learners. She is a Hungarian-English bilingual, an adult immigrant to the U.S.
Linda New Levine
Linda New Levine, Ph.D. consults for teachers of language learning children K-12. She has been an ESL teacher, a Staff Development Facilitator, Fulbright professor, and an assistant professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has written ESL curriculum and co-authored Teaching English Language and Content in Mainstream Classes.

The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners
