
Nightflyers & Other Stories (Netflix)

Nightflyers & Other Stories (Netflix)




When a scientific expedition is launched to study a mysterious alien race, the only ship available is the Nightflyer, a fully autonomous vessel manned by a single human. But Captain Royd Eris remains locked away, interacting with his passengers only as a disembodied voice - or a projected hologram no more substantial than a ghost.

Yet that's not the only reason the ship seems haunted. The team's telepath, Thale Lasamer, senses another presence aboard the Nightflyer - something dangerous, volatile, and alien. Captain Eris claims to know nothing about the elusive intruder, and when someone, or something, begins killing off the expedition's members, he's unable - or unwilling - to stem the bloody tide.

Only Melantha Jhirl, a genetically enhanced outcast with greater strength, stamina, and intelligence than other humans, has a chance of solving the mystery - and stopping the malevolent being that's wiping out her shipmates.


當科學探險展開研究神秘的外星種族時,唯一可用的船隻是「暗夜飛行者」(Nightflyer),這是一艘完全自主的船隻,由一個人駕駛。但羅德•埃裡斯 (Royd Eris)船長仍然被鎖在飛行船另一邊,與乘客互動只是透過一個無形的聲音,或者是一個比幽靈更不真實的立體投影。
然而,這並不是這艘船似乎鬧鬼的唯一原因。團隊的心靈感應者,泰爾•拉薩默 (Thale Lasamer),感覺到了「暗夜飛行者」上的另一個危險又奇特東西的存在。埃裡斯船長聲稱對那個難以捉摸的入侵者一無所知,當有人或某個東西開始殺死探險隊的成員時,他無法--或者不願意--阻止血腥的潮水。 
只有梅蘭莎•吉爾爾 (Melantha Jhirl),一個基因上增強的棄兒,比其他人類有更強大的力量、耐力和智慧,有機會解決這個謎團,並阻止邪惡的存在,就是消滅她的同船伙伴。


Nightflyers & Other Stories (Netflix)
