
It's a Numbers Game! Basketball (精裝版)

It's a Numbers Game! Basketball (精裝版)


作者:James Buckley
出版社:National Geographic


Numbers are everywhere in basketball—from the dimensions of the court to the points you can score to the digits on each player's jersey. In this awesome new book, you'll learn how these numbers make basketball the game we know and love today, and also get a few tips along the way on how to improve your game. As Kobe Bryant wrote in his Foreword for the book, "Sucess is in the detail—and the detail is in the math." Read about amazing statistics and learn how to track the stats of your favorite basketball stars. Discover how to improve your bounce pass and chest pass with geometry and physics. Colorful graphics explain the math behind the sport, and cool photos make you feel like you're right on the court. Filled with sports trivia and fun activities at the end of every chapter, this book is sure to be a slam dunk with kids who can't get enough of the game and want to learn more.

說到籃球,到處都有數字--從球場的大小,到得分點數,再到每個球員球衣上的數字。 在這本很棒的新書中,您將學到這些數字如何使籃球成為我們今天所熟知和喜愛的球類運動,及學習如何改善打籃球的技巧。就像柯比·布萊恩特在這本書的前言中所寫的:“成功在於細節,而細節在於數學。”讀讀那些驚人的統計數字,瞭解如何追踪您最喜歡的籃球明星的統計訊息。探索如何以幾何和物理方法改善擊地傳球和胸前傳球。彩色圖形解釋了這項運動背後的數學原理,精美的照片使您感覺自己像在球場上一樣。在每章的末尾都列滿體育瑣事和有趣的活動,這本書肯定會讓那些對籃球愛不釋手並想瞭解更多訊息的孩子們成為灌籃高手。


It's a Numbers Game! Basketball (精裝版)
