
World of Reading 1: This is Ms. Marvel

World of Reading 1: This is Ms. Marvel


作者:Disney Books
系列名稱:World of Reading


Kamala Khan is just your average teenager living in Jersey City trying to balance high school and her family's Muslim heritage. That is, until she discovers that she has super powers! As a huge fan of super heroes herself, Kamala takes on the name "Ms. Marvel," previously used by her all-time favorite super hero, Captain Marvel. Ms. Marvel, Kamala is able to shape shift, usually using this power to elongate her limbs or enlarge her fists... which she pairs with the declaration "embiggen!" Not only that, but she has the power to heal herself once she transforms back into her original self. More than anything, Ms. Marvel is an emblem of optimism and heart—a true beacon of hope in the face of adversity.



World of Reading主題豐富,內頁圖片色彩鮮明及電腦動畫繪製的人物細緻逼真,透過廣受小男生和小女生喜愛的人物包含,漫威英雄人物: 鋼鐵人、蜘蛛人、電影版星際大戰、迪士尼Micky系列…等引起興趣,建立基礎英文詞彙,也是奠定孩子英文閱讀能力的最佳讀物。

World of Reading除了讀本外,也有有聲書商品,輕鬆幫助孩子的聽力和發音,適合家長們陪伴孩子們一起學習閱讀。

World of Reading是近期新出版的分級讀本,共分成四個階段:
Level Pre-1 (剛接觸讀本的小朋友): 黑字體及簡易單字、簡短重覆字句,透過圖片的引導開始英文閱讀第一步。
Level 1(初階): 開始出現簡易的字句構造,大幅提升英文閱讀能力。
Level 2(中階): 簡單的故事情節編造、較為複雜的句型結構、容易理解的故事內容,在家長協助下閱讀學習。
Level 3(高階): 有趣的角色、熱門的主題,故事內容導向懸疑、推理,更能吸引讀者們的閱讀興趣。

World of Reading 1: This is Ms. Marvel
