
Camera: Eureka! The Biography of an Idea

Camera: Eureka! The Biography of an Idea


作者:Laura Driscoll


EUREKA! Great things happen when science crosses history! Discover the all-true stories of your favorite inventions with this new multicultural STEM series that takes readers on a journey through time and around the world. A perfect choice for kids ages 4–8 who love to figure out how things work!
Say "Cheese!" Around the world, millions of pictures are taken every second. Here is a "biography" of the camera, an essential invention that helps people capture the world around them!
From the great Chinese thinker Mozi to Aristotle to Louis Daguerre and George Eastman, people have noticed the interesting effects of light passing through a small opening--the basic idea of a camera. Camera is a fun and informative look at an invention that makes a huge difference in our lives. This STEAM nonfiction title is part of the new Eureka! series, with each book focusing on one groundbreaking, world-changing discovery that millions of people use every single day.

Eureka!—it’s a new young science history series by Kane Press! Each book covers one groundbreaking, world-changing discovery from the first germ of an idea through the evolution into a modern product millions of people use every single day. Glasses, bicycles, cameras, the light bulb, wind power, guitars—for any kid who has ever wondered how they work and who invented them, Eureka! explains it all.
《Eureka!》系列是由Kane Press出版社推出的一個全新青少年科學歷史系列叢書!每本書都涵蓋了一項具有突破性、改變世界的發明,從最初的想法萌芽到演變成數百萬人每天使用的現代產品。眼鏡、自行車、相機、燈泡...對遇任何曾經好奇它們如何運作以及誰發明了它們的孩子,《Eureka!》將解釋一切!

Camera: Eureka! The Biography of an Idea
