
This Is Our World

This Is Our World


作者:Tracey Turner


★ 從 Alaska 到 Amazon,一次收藏各地文化
★ 跟著當地小朋友一起暢遊世界

來自世界 20 個不同地區文化,生動的繪圖讓這本知識繪本美不勝收,鼓勵孩子一起探索這多元的世界文化與生態!

This Is Our World, written by Tracey Turner, is a colorful celebration of our planet’s cultural and environmental diversity―an unforgettable journey that brings the people, customs, and wildlife of 20 places around the world vividly to life for young readers.
The guides are children who tell us about the animals, plants and weather that they encounter; the feasts and festivals they enjoy; and the clothes they wear, the way they learn, the languages they speak, and the sports and games they play. The tour is truly global, as we journey from Australia’s desolate Red Centre to bustling Beijing, from the windswept Outer Hebrides to the rock houses of Cappadocia in Turkey, via the Amazon rainforest, New York City, the Siberian tundra, and a floating village in Cambodia.
This is both a beautiful gift book and a highly-accessible home reference, sure to foster an interest in the wider world, in travel, in diversity, and in conservation. It teaches us that despite its countless languages, customs, and traditions, it really is a small world after all.

This Is Our World
