
A Place to Hang the Moon

A Place to Hang the Moon


作者:Kate Albus
出版社:Holiday House


A heartwarming story about three siblings, evacuated from London to live in the countryside, looking for a permanent home--and a new meaning for family.
A New York Public Library Best Book of the Year

It is 1940 and William, 12, Edmund, 11, and Anna, 9, aren't terribly upset by the death of the not-so-grandmotherly grandmother who has taken care of them since their parents died.

But the children do need a guardian, and in the dark days of World War II London, those are in short supply, especially if they hope to stay together. Could the mass wartime evacuation of children from London to the countryside be the answer?

It's a preposterous plan, but off they go-keeping their predicament a secret, and hoping to be placed in a temporary home that ends up lasting forever. Moving from one billet to another, the children suffer the cruel trickery of foster brothers, the cold realities of outdoor toilets and the hollowness of empty stomachs.

But at least they find comfort in the village lending library-a cozy shelter from the harshness of everyday life, filled with favorite stories and the quiet company of Nora Müller, the kind librarian. The children wonder if Nora could be the family they've been searching for...But the shadow of the war, and the unknown whereaouts of Nora's German husband complicate matters.

A Place to Hang the Moon is a story about the importance of family: the one you're given, and the one you choose. Filled with rich, sensory prose, allusions to classic children's stories like A Little Princess, Mary Poppins, and The Story of Ferdinand, this cozy tale with a classic feel is sure to warm your heart.


這個計劃聽起來很荒唐,但他們決定去試試看 ─對自己的困境保密,並希望被安置在一個暫時的家中,但結果卻一直待了下去。孩子們從一個地方搬到另一個地方,遭受寄養兄弟殘忍的戲弄、室外廁所的冷酷現實和空空如也的胃口。
但他們至少在村莊的圖書館找到了安慰──這裡是一個舒適的庇護所,讓他們暫時逃避日常生活的殘酷現實,充滿了喜愛的故事,還有善良的圖書管理員諾拉·穆勒 (Nora Müller)安靜的陪伴。孩子們想知道諾拉是否能成為他們一直在尋找的家人...但戰爭的陰影和諾拉的德國丈夫下落不明卻使事情變得更加複雜。


A Place to Hang the Moon
