
Confidence Man

Confidence Man


作者:Maggie Haberman
出版社:Penguin USA


From the Pulitzer-Prize-winning New York Times reporter who has defined Donald J. Trump's presidency like no other journalist, Confidence Man is a magnificent and disturbing reckoning that chronicles his life and its meaning from his rise in New York City to his tortured post-presidency.

Few journalists working today have covered Donald Trump more extensively than Maggie Haberman. And few understand him and his motivations better. Now, demonstrating her majestic command of this story, Haberman reveals in full the depth of her understanding of the 45th president himself, and of what the Trump phenomenon means.

Interviews with hundreds of sources and numerous interviews over the years with Trump himself portray a complicated and often contradictory historical figure. Capable of kindness but relying on casual cruelty as it suits his purposes. Pugnacious. Insecure. Lonely. Vindictive. Menacing. Smarter than his critics contend and colder and more calculating than his allies believe. A man who embedded himself in popular culture, galvanizing support for a run for high office that he began preliminary spadework for 30 years ago, to ultimately become a president who pushed American democracy to the brink.


這本書是由普立茲獎得主、紐約時報記者瑪吉·哈伯曼Maggie Haberman撰寫的,她是少數幾位對唐納德·J·川普的總統任期進行了如此廣泛報導的記者之一,並且以無與倫比的方式定義了他的總統生涯。《自信的人》是一本宏偉而令人不安的著作,記錄了川普的一生及其意義,從他在紐約市的崛起到他淒慘的卸任總統後的生活。
如今,很少有記者能比瑪吉·哈伯曼更廣泛地報道唐納德·川普。很少有人比她更了解他和他的動機。現在,哈伯曼展現了她對這個故事的駕馭能力,充分揭示了她對第 45 任總統本人以及川普現象意味著什麼的深刻理解。
對數百名消息人士的採訪以及多年來對川普本人的多次採訪,書中描繪了一個複雜且常常自相矛盾的歷史人物。他能夠仁慈,但會為了達到他的目的而偶爾殘忍。好鬥的。沒有安全感。孤獨。懷恨在心。來勢洶洶。比他的批評者所認為的更聰明,也比他的盟友認為的更冷酷、更精於算計。他將自己融入流行文化之中,為競選高級職位爭取支持,他在 30 年前就開始了這項準備工作,最終成為一位將美國民主推向懸崖的總統。


Confidence Man
