
Out of the Clear Blue Sky

Out of the Clear Blue Sky


作者:Kristan Higgins


Lillie Silva knew life as an empty nester would be hard after her only child left for college, but when her husband abruptly dumps her for another woman just as her son leaves, her world comes crashing down. Besides the fact that this announcement is a complete surprise (to say the least), what shocks Lillie most is that she isn't heartbroken. She's furious.

Lillie has loved her life on Cape Cod, but as a mother, wife, and nurse-midwife, she's used to caring for other people...not taking care of herself. Now, alone for the first time in her life, she finds herself going a little rogue. Is it over the top to crash her ex-husband's wedding dressed like the angel of death? Sure! Should she release a skunk into his perfect new home? Probably not! But it beats staying home and moping.

She finds an unexpected ally in her glamorous sister, with whom she's had a tense relationship all these years. And an unexpected babysitter in, of all people, Ben Hallowell, the driver in a car accident that nearly killed Lillie twenty years ago. And then there's Ophelia, her ex-husband's oddly lost niece, who could really use a friend. It's the end of Lillie's life as she knew it. But sometimes the perfect next chapter surprises you...


《The Perfect Next》故事講述了莉莉·席爾瓦(Lillie Silva),她知道當她的獨生子去上大學後,成為空巢老人的生活會很艱難,但當她的丈夫在兒子離開時突然拋棄她去找另一個女人時,她的世界崩潰了。除了這個消息完全出乎意料(至少可以這麼說),最讓莉莉震驚的是,她並不心碎。她生氣極了。
莉莉熱愛她在卡普角(Cape Cod)的生活,但作為一名母親、妻子和助產護士,她習慣了照顧其他人,而不是照顧自己。現在,她第一次獨自生活,發現自己變得有些叛逆。穿得像死亡天使一樣破壞前夫的婚禮是不是太過分了?當然!她應該放一隻臭鼬到他完美的新家嗎?可能不是好主意!但這比待在家裡黯然神傷要好。
她在迷人的妹妹身上找到了意想不到的盟友,這些年來她和她的關係一直很緊張。在所有人中,還有一個意想不到的保姆,本·哈洛威爾(Ben Hallowell),他是二十年前一場車禍中差點奪去莉莉生命的司機。還有奧菲莉亞(Ophelia),她前夫奇怪失蹤的姪女,她真的需要一個朋友。正如莉莉所知,這就是她生命的終點。但有時完美的下一章會讓你驚訝不已...


Out of the Clear Blue Sky
