
Super Simple Physics: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide

Super Simple Physics: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide


系列名稱:Super Simple



Crammed with fascinating facts and all the core curriculum topics, this physics book will have you exam-ready in no time!
Created in association with the Smithsonian Institution, this completely comprehensive guide makes physics crystal clear. It’s the perfect support for home and school learning.
This super simple science book cuts through the jargon and breaks down the information into easy, manageable chunks. From atoms and states of matter to scalars and vectors, this indispensable guide is packed with everything you need to quickly and easily understand physics.
The Ultimate Physics Revision Book 
Every page is designed to make even the most complex scientific subjects accessible and engaging. Topics are covered in one easy-to-follow single page and fully illustrated to explain the concept - perfect for visual learners. The essential points are in a Key Facts box, which is great for checking back later when revising. Calculations and graphs are set out in simple, logical steps to make the science feel achievable for all students.
Whether you’re a keen physicist or just looking to get an A+,, this accessible science revision guide for children offers clear and concise coverage of all the core physics topics. From dramatic images of planets to bolts of lightning, vivid photography makes it easy for students to relate physics to the world around them.

這套最新的基礎科學學習指南系列,就是從輔助學生課堂理解出發,針對自然科琳瑯滿目的重點逐一突破,快速解除學習挫折感。《超簡單物理課》把物理的內容分成超過250 個環環相扣的觀念全面講解,透過精細的繪圖與照片,配上條理清晰的文字說明,從物理的科學方法與思考要領開始,依序進入能量、運動、力學、波動、光學、電路、磁場、電磁學、物質、壓力、原子與放射性以及太空等主題,幾乎每一頁都附有容易消化與加深印象的重點提示與補充說明,幫助融會貫通。DK 發揮一貫強大的博物館式圖文整合能力,讓讀者在研讀每個觀念時,就宛如進入一座迷你主題博物館,得到不同於教科書的學習體驗。

DK's Super Simple series of educational books cover a range of topics from Super Simple Physics, Super Simple Chemistry to Super Simple Biology. Each book contains colourful, engaging, diagrams, simple explanations and exam revision questions - perfect for students, teachers, and parents alike.

Super Simple Physics: The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide
