
IELTS (Macmillan)

IELTS (Macmillan)

IELTS Foundation是一套針對IELTS考試題型所編寫的IELTS考試準備用書,書中以生活化的題材帶入學術性的主題,不但能增進學生於學術上必備的語言能力,更能大幅提升生活中必需的英語技能,不論您是教師或自修者,皆可將此書作為最佳的英語聽說讀寫訓練教材!






▌ELTS Graduation為更高級數,供學生進一步的訓練。另有習作本(Study Skills)附CD,提供聽、說、讀、寫四部份個別的題庫練習及一份全真模擬試題,是IELTS考生必備的考前衝刺書。


IELTS Introduction is a motivating and comprehensive course for students preparing to take the International English Language Testing System examination. Aimed at those in the IELTS band of 3-4, this topic-based book will train students in the skills required to increase their IELTS score. It provides clear and practical information on the IELTS examination, as well as teaching students the skills required to excel in each of the academic modules.
Features of the Student's Book
• 12 topic-based units
• Strategy boxes and Tip boxes offer suggestions on how to tackle the various IELTS tasks
• Exam information boxes provide students with detailed advice on what to expect in each section of the exam
• Extensive writing practice provides thorough support for Writing Tasks 1 and 2, with model answers
• Language focus sections deal with the grammar and vocabulary needed by IELTS students at this level
• Study skills sections at the end of each unit give advice on independent study
• Regular Collocation Dictionary exercises encourage students to broaden their vocabulary whilst studying
Course components
• Student's Book
• Study Skills Book and Audio CD
• Teacher's Book
• Class Audio CDs
