Italian Verb Tenses: Fully Conjugated Verbs (Practice for Success) 2/e (英/義)
Barron's newly revised Italian language workbook makes an excellent textbook supplement for high sch...
Collins Easy Learning Complete Italian (Stage 1 and 2) Box Set (Books+6CDS) 書 + 6CDs (英/義) (絕版售完為止)
This new edition of the Easy Learning Italian Complete Audio Course combines the content from Easy L...
義大利語動詞變位速查小辭典 (簡體書)
Collins Pocket Italian Dictionary 7/e (英/義)
Collins Pocket Italian Dictionary offers excellent coverage of today's language and usage. Clear pre...
Collins Gem Italian dictionary 9/e (英/義)
This latest edition of Collins multimillion-selling dictionary comes with all the latest words in bo...
Oxford Italian Mini Dictionary 4/e (迷你平裝)(英/義)
This is the reissued Oxford Italian Mini Dictionary - now in an attractive new format. This small di...
在一門語言的听說讀寫中正確理解和使用成語和諺語,往往會起到畫龍點晴的作用,讓語言的表達與運用生動自如、地道流暢。 本書匯集了我40多年在學習、工作收集的意大利語諺語、格言和成語資料,經過精心的編撰,...