Policy and Politics in Global Primary English
The series attracts single or co-authored volumes from authors researching at the cutting edge of th...
Creative Investigations in Early Art
While the visual and performing arts are powerful curricular companions to early STEM experiences, e...
Creative Investigations in Early Science
Young children are born scientists with an innate desire to analyze and investigate the world around...
Simple STEAM: 50+ Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math Activities for Ages 3 to 6
Parents are eager to help their children learn, but teaching young children complicated scientific a...
Creative Investigations in Early Engineering and Technology
Early childhood teachers continue to seek activities that promote STEM-based learning. But most STEM...
Read with Oxford: Helping Your Child to Read
▌一套透過牛津分級(Oxford Levels)檢測,對照英國當地Book Bands的閱讀分級,從發音到獨立閱讀的優良讀本。 ▌全套分六個級數,共46冊。選擇受歡迎的角色、引人入勝故事情節,...
Curriculum Design in English Language Teaching (ELT Development Series)