Be Who You Are (精裝版)
Todd Parr 官網
I Used to Be Afraid (精裝版)
★李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單 There are a lot of things to be afraid of in this world: spiders, the da...
Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl's Courage Changed Music (精裝版)
Girls cannot be drummers. Long ago on an island filled with music, no one questioned that rule--unti...
Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do
★李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單 ★ 劉怡伶《用英文繪本讀出孩子的素養力》 推薦書單 Who wears what to work? The clues in each live...
Of Thee I Sing (精裝版)
★ 李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單 In a tender letter to his daughters, President Barack Obama has written...
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type (硬頁書)
凱迪克獎(The Caldecott Medal),是由美國圖書館協會所頒發的兒童繪本大獎。1938年創立。 獎項的目的在於獎勵前一年度出版的「給兒童的美國最傑出繪本」,選出一個金牌獎及數個榮譽(銀...
The Princess and the Dragon (Book+CD)
★ 廖彩杏《用有聲書輕鬆聽出英語力》推薦書單 When a princess who behaves like a dragon meets a dragon who behaves like a...
I Can Be Anything! (精裝版)
★ 李貞慧《繪本100+輕鬆打造英語文法力》推薦書單 When I grow up, what shall I be? This exuberant book offers up everyth...