Onward (絕版售完為止)
精選暢銷有聲書,從皮克斯、迪士尼暢銷動畫、漫威系列電影到經典文學,本本皆深受孩子們喜愛。 透過有聲音有表情的故事書,學習者無形中學會用聲音記單字,更能磨尖聽英語的耳朵。
Buddy Readers: Level A (20 Books+1CD)
Buddy Readers是一套初階分級小書,由學樂Scholastic出版社出版。 分為A、B、C、D、E+F共五套盒裝書,每個分級內含四個主題,每個主題又有五本書,共20本書,每本8頁,再加上一...
Buddy Readers: Level D (20 Books+1CD)
Buddy Readers是一套初階分級小書,由學樂Scholastic出版社出版。 分為A、B、C、D、E+F共五套盒裝書,每個分級內含四個主題,每個主題又有五本書,共20本書,每本8頁,再加上一...
Giraffes Can't Dance (Book + CD)
★ 劉怡伶《親子閱讀趣 悅讀真有趣》 推薦書單 A book and CD edition of the much-loved picture book classic Giraffes Can&...
Olaf's Night Before Christmas Book & CD
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring . . . until ...
Unicorns in Uniforms and Other Tales + CD (精裝書)
This delightfully illustrated collection of six lively stories is ideal for sharing with young child...
Winter Wonderland (有聲硬頁書)
Step into a world of winter magic with this festive sound book. Little ones will love pressing the p...