
Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #8: The Australina Boomerange Bonanza

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #8: The Australina Boomerange Bonanza


作者:Jeff Brown
出版社:Harper Collins
系列名稱:Flat Stanley


Stanley and his brother, Arthur, have just won a trip to Australia! They fly down under on a private jet and go diving in the Great Barrier Reef. But when Arthur launches him into the air for a game of boomerang, Stanley is accidentally sent spinning into an amazing adventure deep in the heart of the Australian outback!

This information-packed volume explores the manifold ways in which architects and designers meet the various challenges of designing and decorating apartments for their clients.

Featuring an extensive collection of apartments from around the world, 150 Best New Apartment Ideas provides an in-depth look at the most stunning, innovative, and practical design solutions working today. Covering a wealth of information and showcasing the latest design trends, this little book is an inspirational source of ideas, perfect for the homeowner and the professional alike.

Flat Stanley 紙片男孩史丹利 世界各國百變出任務!

文|敦煌書局 2016.01

Flat Stanley 紙片男孩史丹利由來

Stanley 史丹利發生被告示牌壓到的意外後,竟然被壓扁了!現在的他只有半吋厚,變成了“Flat Stanley”------紙片男孩史丹利!外型的改變並沒有讓史丹利因此自卑與難過,反而讓他展開了與眾不同的新鮮生活且樂在其中!地球上沒有一個地方是史丹利到不了的!他可以穿梭任何如門縫般狹小的空間、可以像風箏隨風搖曳在空中、還可以跟著信件裝進信封寄出去!擁有這些「特異功能」的史丹利,到世界各國會遇上哪些麻煩與危險?又會創造哪些不同凡響的事蹟呢?充滿想像力的《Flat Stanley》系列讀本,將帶給孩子一場多采多姿、刺激萬分的閱讀冒險!

Flat Stanley 系列特色

• 本系列叢書符合美國各州共同核心課程標準 (Common Core State Standards),是家長、老師的選書推薦!
•《Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures》系列是讓兒童認識世界地圖的好幫手,藉由史丹利環遊世界的冒險經歷、情節背景,讓兒童開拓視野,吸收各國多元文化,從中學習對於不同文化的知識與尊重。

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #8: The Australina Boomerange Bonanza
