Percy Jackson & the Olympians #6: The Chalice of the Gods
Percy Jackson & the Olympians #6: The Chalice of the Gods
The original heroes from The Lightning Thief are reunited for their biggest challenge yet: getting Percy to college when the gods are standing in his way.
After saving the world multiple times, Percy Jackson is hoping to have a normal senior year. Unfortunately, the gods aren’t quite done with him. Percy will have to fulfill three quests in order to get the necessary three letters of recommendation from Mount Olympus for college.
The first quest is to help Zeus’s cup-bearer retrieve his goblet before it falls into the wrong hands. Can Percy, Grover, and Annabeth find it in time?
Readers new to Percy Jackson (this book can be enjoyed as a standalone) and fans who have been awaiting this reunion for more than a decade will delight equally in this latest hilarious take on Greek mythology.
★ 榮獲美國總統歐巴馬選書
★ 唯一連獲兩年「馬克吐溫獎」最佳圖書系列
★ 《紐約時報》、《出版者週刊》暢銷排行榜第一名
★ 翻譯成全球三十餘國語言版本(法、德、義、英、俄、西、日、韓、泰、瑞、波、希……)
★ 電影版權已由美國福斯電影公司取得,大卡司大製作,為《哈利波特》一、二集導演Chris Columbus最新奇幻鉅作,預定2010年2月上映。
★ 本系列在美國自2005年出版第一冊起到2009年第五冊出版,一路如旋風般橫掃各大暢銷排行榜及重要圖書獎項。
★ 《紐約時報》2009年度最佳童書
★ 《紐約時報》暢銷書榜
★ 《華爾街日報》暢銷書榜
★ 《洛杉磯時報》暢銷書榜
★ 《今日美國報》暢銷書榜
★ 美國初版上市首刷1,200,000冊。
★ 豐沛的「想像力」是一切創意的源頭:
★ 透過閱讀培養「人格力」:
★ 輕鬆享受精采小說,涵養新時代少年「文學力」:
In the mood for monsters and mythological heroes?
Look no further than Rick Riordan's fun, fast-paced Percy Jackson series, which follows the adventures of young demigod (half mortal, half Greek god) Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover. And the story continues in the thrilling Heroes of Olympus spin-off series.
If you're looking for even more epic stories about gods, goddesses, and other mythological creatures, be sure to check out our list of the Best Mythology Books for Kids and Teens.