Who Was Confucius?
世界暢銷英文傳記讀本名人智慧 X 英語能力的完美結合他是誰?你不可不知的經典名人!Who Was / Is 系列,改變你對「名人傳記」制式的刻板印象!這些名人你一定都認識!他們的非凡事蹟與卓越成就深植...
Trailblazers: J.K. Rowling: Behind the Magic
On July 22, 2008, J. K. Rowling shattered world records. With 8.3 million books sold in the US alone...
Twice: The Story of K-Pop's Greatest Girl Group
With hundreds of millions of views on YouTube, a sell-out world tour and record-breaking album sales...
Scientists Who Dared to Be Different
This inspirational book celebrates the lives and achievements of highly original, convention-defying...
Who Is Greta Thunberg?
世界暢銷英文傳記讀本名人智慧 X 英語能力的完美結合他是誰?你不可不知的經典名人!Who Was / Is 系列,改變你對「名人傳記」制式的刻板印象!這些名人你一定都認識!他們的非凡事蹟與卓越成就深植...
Who Was Kobe Bryant?
世界暢銷英文傳記讀本名人智慧 X 英語能力的完美結合他是誰?你不可不知的經典名人!Who Was / Is 系列,改變你對「名人傳記」制式的刻板印象!這些名人你一定都認識!他們的非凡事蹟與卓越成就深植...
Stephen Curry
When you think of Stephen Curry, one word comes to mind: greatness. From shooting three-pointers wit...
Who Was Ida B. Wells?
世界暢銷英文傳記讀本名人智慧 X 英語能力的完美結合他是誰?你不可不知的經典名人!Who Was / Is 系列,改變你對「名人傳記」制式的刻板印象!這些名人你一定都認識!他們的非凡事蹟與卓越成就深植...