
Smithsonian STEAM Readers 4: Designing a Shuttle

Smithsonian STEAM Readers 4: Designing a Shuttle


作者:Jordan, Elisa
系列名稱:Smithsonian STEAM Readers


How do you build a reusable spacecraft that is strong enough to hold up in outer space, but is light enough to fly? How do you design it to meet the needs of the astronauts it carries? In the 1970s, NASA scientists and engineers were tasked with creating something completely new: a rocket-airplane combination that could safely transport astronauts to and from outer space. What they came up with changed the world!
Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this book builds students' literacy skills while fostering curiosity, creativity, and innovation. The hands-on STEAM challenge is ideal for makerspace activities, and guides students through every stage of the engineering design process. This book features:
• Real-world examples provide insight into how the engineering design process is used to solve real-world problems
• Content that highlights every component of STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art, and math
• Career advice from Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields
• Dynamic images and text features enhance the reading experience and build visual literacy

⚙ STEAM English ✕ 閱讀素養力
▌本系列讀本由 Teachers Created Materials 出版社與美國史密斯森研究協會(Smithsonian Institution)攜手打造,共分為六個級數(Grade K~5)。結合 STEAM 教育精神與跨學科領域主題,透過程度分級的閱讀內容及手作實驗,培養新世代學習者的創意思維、設計能力及人文關懷力。

▌每本讀本皆涵蓋科學(Science)、科技(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、藝術(Art)及數學(Mathematics)五大元素,訓練閱讀力的同時,更全方面提升  STEAM 知能。

▌STEAM Challenge 活動,以「確認問題→研究與思考→設計與執行→測試與改善→反思與分享」的步驟,訓練問題解決能力。

▌提供單書版及 6-Pack 版。讀本後附重要詞彙表、索引及職涯規畫建議。6-Pack 版提供教師手冊及同品項讀本6入,教師手冊含完整教案、活動準備材料提點、學習單、評量及解答。


↘STEAM Challenge鼓勵學生運用所學知識解決問題。

↘Career Advice提供STEAM領域工作者的職涯規劃建議。

Smithsonian STEAM Readers 4: Designing a Shuttle
