
The Secret Birthday Message (洞洞書)

The Secret Birthday Message (洞洞書)


作者:Carle, Eric
出版社:Harper Collins


A message in code starts a little boy off on an exciting treasure hunt through a dark cave, an underground tunnel, and more—until at the end he finds a happy surprise.
This classic picture book from the beloved Eric Carle can be shared as an enjoyable story. Preschoolers will be intrigued by the adventures and pleased by the puppy at the conclusion.
The Secret Birthday Message can also be used as a fun spring board for teaching some basic concepts. As Publishers Weekly notes: The book introduces "pattern recognition, matching shapes, map-reading, and directional relationships in full-color pages that allow preschoolers to participate fully in the enticing adventure."
The nonprofit MathThroughStories organization recommends reading the book and then having "children hide a 'treasure' somewhere in the classroom and create their own map with directions for how to find the hidden treasure. Encourage the children to use geometric shapes to represent objects and furniture in the classroom. When the maps are finished, children give the map to another treasure hunter."
Other favorite classic books from Eric Carle include The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Grouchy Ladybug, From Head to Toe, and many others.

Tim的生日到了!他收到了一封神秘的信,裡面竟然都是各種形狀密碼,指引著他去找尋生日禮物 !


Eric Carle 美國設計師、插畫家、兒童繪本作家和兒童文學作家。他最有名的作品是他用拼貼技法創作的《好餓的毛毛蟲》,截至2014年,已經被翻譯成超過60種語言,並在世界各地售出3千8百萬本。自從1969年以來,他已經創作超過70本書籍,由於對美國兒童文學貢獻,在2003年贏得了蘿拉·英格斯·懷德獎。

The Secret Birthday Message (洞洞書)
