
It's Like This, Cat

It's Like This, Cat


出版社:Harper Collins


★ 美國紐伯瑞兒童文學金牌獎


The Newbery-winning classic novel about a young New Yorker who figures out the world on his own terms with the help of one prickly tomcat, for readers who enjoy such books as Al Capone Does My Shirts and Hoot.
Dave Mitchell and his father disagree on almost everything—and every time their fighting sets off his mother’s asthma, Dave ends up storming out of the house. But when Dave meets a big, handsome tomcat, he decides to bring him home, no matter what his father has to say about it.
With adventure-loving Cat around, Dave meets lots of new people—like Tom, a young dropout on his own in the city, and Mary, the first girl he can talk to like a real person.
And as his eyes open to those around him, Dave starts to understand his father a little better. They still don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but there is one thing they can both agree on: Having a cat can be very educational—especially when it’s one like Cat.

自1922年以來,「紐伯瑞獎 ( The Newberry Medal )」致力於促進美國兒童文學的創作與發展。此獎項以18世紀受譽「兒童文學之父」的英國出版商約翰.紐伯瑞 ( John Newberry )命名,推崇其「快樂至上」精神,挑選出國內眾多優秀作品。多年來,紐伯瑞獎不僅在美國,更在全球兒童文學界發揮著巨大的影響力。

It's Like This, Cat
