
Charlie and Lola: I Can Do Anything That's Everything All On My Own

Charlie and Lola: I Can Do Anything That's Everything All On My Own


作者:Lauren Child
出版社:Grosset & Dunlap
系列名稱:Charlie and Lola


Today Lola wants to do everything all on her own, but things aren't as easy as she thought they'd be. In the park, when Charlie and his friend Marv explain to Lola that a seesaw won't "see" or "saw" with only one person on it, Lola reluctantly lets them sit on the other end. When Lola soars into the sky, it launches her into an elaborate high-seas fantasy where she saves Marv and Charlie from ever-soevil pirates. All on her own!

這是一套令人無法抗拒、極富教育意義的兒童繪本,作者Lauren Child透過Charlie和Lola這對兄妹,來教導孩子自省的能力。古靈精怪的妹妹Lola總是惹出一些麻煩,再一臉無辜樣,真是讓人好氣又好笑;而疼愛妹妹、耐心十足的哥哥Charlie,都會以各種幽默的點子代替管教,引導妹妹學會負責任的態度。

大家都愛Charlie and Lola!
Smarties Gold Award.Smarties Bronze Award.Kate Greenaway Medal.British Book Awards

Charlie and Lola: I Can Do Anything That's Everything All On My Own
