
Get to Work with Science and Technology: Space Robot Engineer (精裝版)(售完為止)

Get to Work with Science and Technology: Space Robot Engineer (精裝版)(售完為止)


作者:Ruth Owen
出版社:Ruby Tuesday Books


Huddled in tense silence, a team of scientists watches a bank of flickering screens. Years of design and engineering work, tests, failures, redesigns, and successes are bound up in this moment. Finally, a grainy picture appears on the screens. Cheers erupt as the men and women realize their robot has landed safely on Mars! Get to Work with Science and Technology is a fascinating new series that introduces readers to the real-life applications of STEM subjects.

In Exploring Distant Worlds as a Space Robot Engineer, readers will meet the scientists who design and build robots, send them into space, and even drive the rovers that are exploring Mars today. Told in a lively narrative style, this book includes firsthand accounts of life as a space scientist and robotics engineer, dramatic anecdotes, and behind-the-scenes photos. Readers will also get the chance to try out their robot designing skills with activities that are perfect for science fair projects.

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Get to Work with Science and Technology
is a fascinating new narrative nonfiction series that introduces readers to the real-world applications of STEM subjects.
From analyzing data, to using tools and technology, readers will be excited to see how real-life scientists and engineers solve problems every day using the same scientific techniques that students study and use in the classroom.

* High-interest narrative nonfiction text developed by literacy experts
* Hi-Lo Reading
* Fascinating firsthand accounts of real-life events
* Exciting behind-the-scenes photographic imagery
* Diagrams, graphs and other charts
* Experiments and activities that are perfect for science projects

Get to Work with Science and Technology: Space Robot Engineer (精裝版)(售完為止)
